
InfraBuild is Australia’s only fully vertically integrated steel manufacturer spanning scrap metal recycling, steel manufacturing and downstream distribution.

With a significant national footprint through a network of 113 retail and processing sites across the country and provide quality products and technical expertise with partners in the Australian construction, residential, mining, transport, manufacturing, infrastructure and agricultural industries.

InfraBuild steel centre has an extensive range of steel products distribution knowledge and network, with the ability to call on various steel processing capabilities throughout their Australian-wide hub & spoke model of distribution.

Infrabuild are an organisation with multiple touch-points across the supply chain. Bisalloy works very closely with Infrabuild Steel Centre to distribute genuine BISALLOY® Quenched and Tempered steel plates through their extensive network of regional locations equipped with steel processing and delivery services.

Infrabuild Steel Centre Launceston

Opening Hours:Mon – Fri: 8:00am – 4:30pm

345 Hobart Road, Launceston TAS 7249